Sunday, September 25, 2011

A little bit of fall magic...

I love when fall arrives...

I love the smells...
the warm colors...
the super sunny days filled with a crisp breeze...

it always inspires me to organize and create warm and inviting spaces in our home...

I have a few items on my  (and my husbands) "to do list"
but that's another post....

today I wanted to look at great inspiration for fall...

How about grabbing a good read and cozying up in that great chair, wrapped in that soft blanket....
and how about that great ottoman...not over kill, but screams warmth...

Autumn Room 300x270 Fall into the Season

and these are so cute and whimsical...
I especially love the letter...
check out this website she shows you how...

and this simply classic mantel...

I love this wreath and against the black door, it is simple but what a statement...

and a little bit of modern chic.....
Well hope you enjoy thinking of fall decor...

I'll post pics of some of mine.....

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
-Abe Lincolon

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The last month, or so...

I know once I had said a blogger never sleeps,
they do need to organize, clean, rearrange and take care of family first...

so while it has been a while...

I do have some pics to fill you in on what I HAVE been doing this last month...

It all started when the bathrooms were upon completion and I realized our house was a chaotic mess and seriously disorganized...

being a teacher and the school year looming around the corner this sent me into a down whirl spiral of list's to do's and a crazy, mad dash to organize every last closet in my house...

In addition to organizing our homestead, I also had three to four children to get ready for "school" (if your counting my husband, which I do in this process!)....he's a teacher...

I also have been doing a lot of work in early intervention, which I LOVE.....

so fast forward a few weeks and here we are...almost organized and a full week of school under our belts...

a big sigh of relief...everyone survived!!!!

What you really want to see are pictures, I know....

here are our bathrooms....ALL DONE and functioning so well....

But before I show you the after, here is the before....

The Kids...

and NOW.....
The Kids....

Ours Before...


the cubbies finally made it on the "LIST".... thanks to a very patient husband who in the midst of what could have been a disaster...went out and bought a paint sprayer...and if that's not good the directions to his wife who clearly did not, and tried to use the sprayer with out them...obviously that did not work well....

I hope everyone is recovering well from the crazy storms that have devastated our region...and take comfort in their family and friends and the memories that they have...

and remember...

                         “The best things in life, aren’t things…”